Working on Your Abs#

We saw some examples for the abs function:

>>> abs(-3)
>>> abs(3)
>>> min(1,4)
>>> min(-3,7)
## Which is the best (i.e., most accurate) documentation for ```abs?``` Try out more examples in your own workspace if you're not sure! 1. [ ] ```abs(n,m)```<br>abs takes two numbers ```n``` and ```m```, and produces the absolute value of ```n``` 2. [ ] ```abs(n)```<br>abs takes a number ```n``` and produces ```-n``` 3. [ ] ```abs(n,m)```<br>abs takes two numbers ```n``` and ```m```, and produces ```m``` 4. [ ] ```abs(n,m)```<br>abs takes two numbers ```n``` and ```m```, and produces ```n``` 5. [x] ```abs(n)```<br>abs takes a number ```n``` and produces the absolute value of ```n```