Exceptional control flow#

### What does the following code snippet output? ```python try: print('hello') except: print('goodbye') ``` 1. [x] ```hello``` 2. [ ] ```goodbye``` 3. [ ] ``` hello goodbye ``` 4. [ ] No output ### What does the following code snippet output? ```python try: print('hello') x = 10 / 0 except: print('goodbye') ``` 1. [ ] ```hello``` 2. [ ] ```goodbye``` 3. [x] ``` hello goodbye ``` 4. [ ] No output ### What does the following code snippet output? ```python try: l = [] print(l[0]) print('hello') except: print('goodbye') ``` 1. [ ] ```hello``` 2. [x] ```goodbye``` 3. [ ] ``` hello goodbye ``` 4. [ ] No output > Notice that the first ```print``` never outputs anything---the ```IndexError``` occurs before ```print``` even gets called, and we go straight to the exception handler.