Pixel numbering#

### Given an image of height 2 and width 3 which of the follow is the correct way to represent this image as a 2D list. Assume we're representing a pixel by P(coordinate) such that the pixel at coordinate (1,0) is ```P(1,0)```. 1. [ ] ```[ [P(1,1), P(1,2)], [P(2,1), P(2,2)], [ P(3,1), P(3,2)] ]``` 2. [x] ```[ [P(0,0), P(0,1), P(0, 2)], [P(1,0), P(1,1), P(1,2)] ]``` 3. [ ] ```[ [P(0,0), P(0,1), P(1,0), P(1,1), P(2,0), P(2,1)] ]``` 4. [ ] ```[ [P(0,0), P(0,1)], [P(1,0), P(1,1)], [ P(2,0), P(2,1)] ]```