Choice a/k/a parallel composition; groups#

Regular expressions let us offer choice using the | symbol, which is called parallel composition or simply or, i.e., disjunction.

For example, we can recognize common TLDs using a regular expression as follows:

If we wanted to match the dot as well, we might write:

You may feel like writing the \. each time is too much. We can simplify things by saying “first match a literal ., then match the TLD”. To express that logic, we need groups. A group in a regular expression is expressed using parentheses ( and ).

You can arbitrarily nest groups and choices. But: notice what findall does:

Why is findall returning tuples? Groups, by default, are capturing, i.e., they indicate that some part of the regular expression is interesting and should be held on to. Python’s re module keeps track of every captured group, and re.findall will return it. Let’s piece the output apart:

>>> re.findall(r"(a|(b(c|de)))", "a bc bde")
[('a', '', ''), ('bc', 'bc', 'c'), ('bde', 'bde', 'de')]

If we look at our regex r"(a|(b(c|de)))", there are three groups, from the outside in:

  1. (a|...) is the outermost

  2. (b(...)) is the middle

  3. (c|de) is the innermost

The 3-tuple returned by findall contains the matches for these groups, in that order.

The first match ('a', '', '') says that “a” matched the outermost group, (a|...), but the two inner groups didn’t match anything.

The second match ('bc', 'bc, 'c') says that the outermost group matches on “bc”, as did the middle one; the innermost group only matched on “c”.

The capturing aspect of groups can be confusing, especially if you just want all the matches. By default, if there are any capturing groups, that will be all that findall returns. Look at what happens if we remove the outermost capturing group:

Since the outermost group is gone, the match on “a” has lost all of its information! Not so good. The solution here is to use a non-capturing group, written (?:...).

Ah: now it’s just giving us the matching parts back.

The longest match#

In general, re will always try to find you the longest possible match. Choice with | can mess that up, because it takes an eager approach: if the left-hand side of | matches, re will never look at the right-hand side. So you might expect the following to return ('999', '999')… but it doesn’t!

Why do we get ('999', '9')? When exploring the first group, re.findall has to match all three digits before the decimal mark to continue. But after that, the first \d matches just fine—and we’ll ignore the last two 9’s in the input!

To avoid this confusing behavior, think carefully about the order of your choices: if they overlap, you want to put the longer/preferable one first.