What kind of error?#

### Consider the following program: ``` def mean(l): return sum(l) / len(l) print(mean([1,2,3])) print(mean([])) ``` What error does it produce, if any? 1. [ ] Syntax error 2. [ ] ```NameError``` 3. [ ] ```TypeError``` 4. [x] ```ZeroDivisionError``` 5. [ ] ```IndexError``` 6. [ ] There are no errors ### Consider the following program: ``` def mean(l): return sum(l) / len(l) print(mean(list(map(int, input().split())))) ``` Which of the following errors could this program produce? - [ ] Syntax error - [ ] ```NameError``` - [ ] ```TypeError``` - [x] ```ZeroDivisionError``` - [x] ```ValueError``` - [ ] There are no errors > Giving an empty input will yield a ```ZeroDivisionError```; giving something other than numbers will yield a ```ValueError```. ### Consider the following program: ``` def split(l): l1 = l[0:len(l)/2] l2 = l[len(l)/2:] return [l1, l2] print(split([])) ``` What error does it produce? 1. [ ] Syntax error 2. [ ] ```NameError``` 3. [x] ```TypeError``` 4. [ ] ```IndexError``` 5. [ ] There are no errors > The division yields a ```float```, which slicing doesn't support. ### Consider the following program: ``` def split(l): l1 = l[0:len(l)//2] l2 = l[len(l)//2:] return [l1, l2] print(split([])) ``` What error does it produce? 1. [ ] Syntax error 2. [ ] ```NameError``` 3. [x] ```TypeError``` 4. [ ] ```IndexError``` 5. [ ] There are no errors > It's possible to get a ```TypeError``` by giving ```split``` a bad input---but this program has no errors.