Break statements in for loops#

break statements can be used in for loops similarly as they were used in while loops. Whether the sequence in the for loop is fully iterated or not, the break statement can exit the for loop once the break condition becomes True.

The general form of using a break statement in a for loop is as follows.

for <variable> in <sequence>:
    <Statement(s) #1>
    if <Break Condition>:
    <Statement(s) #2>

<Statement(s) #1> and <Statement(s) #2> are repeated as a member variable iterates within sequence, until <Break Condition> becomes true, in which case the loop is finished without further implementing <Statements #2>.

Let’s go back to our summation example, with an additional feature that the user can stop in the middle of the summing process once a specific number is reached. Assume that we have a calculator that sums from 1 to 10 but the user wants to just sum up till 3.

Then, here is the output.

The current number:  0
The current number:  1
The current number:  2
The current number:  3
The sum is:  6

Note that although for loop is designed so it is iterated 10 times, it was actually put to stop at the 4th repetition (or iteration).