Hardened square-root program#

Write a program that takes a floating point number as user input. It then uses math.sqrt to take the square root and print it out.

Your program should:

  • not catch ^C

  • not throw any exceptions when given a non-float input

  • not throw any exceptions when given a negative number

  • not complete until its received a valid input

Here are three sample interactions, with user input in bold:

$ python task.py
Enter a floating point number: 25
The square root of 25.0 is 5.0.
$ python task.py
Enter a floating point number: lol
'lol' is not a floating point number.
Enter a floating point number: -1
'-1.0' doesn't have a (real) square root.
Enter a floating point number: 10.0
The square root of 10.0 is 3.1622776601683795.
$ python task.py
Enter a floating point number: ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
    File "/home/task.py", line 7, in <module>
        s = input('Enter a floating point number: ')

Hint: you may need to use both try/ except and if to handle and detect error conditions. Tricky business!