Bad inputs#

### Given an image which is represented as a 2D list as follows: ```python img = [[(240, 240, 200), (200, 200, 100), (240, 240, 150), (200, 200, 125)], [(160, 240, 120), (120, 200, 140), (160, 240, 240), (120, 200, 120)], [(240, 240, 220), (200, 200, 210), (240, 240, 130), (200, 200, 140)], [(160, 240, 110), (120, 200, 120), (160, 240, 120), (120, 200, 130)]] ``` Based on the previous reading, which of the following inputs will cause either "Invalid input" or "Input parameter out of bounds" to be returned from the ```custom_red_filter``` function for the above image ```img```? - [ ] ``` top_left = (0, 1) height = 4 width = 3 ``` - [x] ``` top_left = (-1, -1) height = 2 width = 2 ``` - [x] ``` top_left = (0, 1) height = -2 width = -3 ``` - [x] ``` top_left = (2, 1) height = 3 width = 3 ``` - [x] ``` top_left = (2,2) height = 2 width = 3 ```